Saturday, November 13, 2010

RIP OFF RECORDS The Singles Second Strike

The Ripoffs, Motards, Registrators, The Stipjes, Loli and the Chones, The Problematics

RAW NOISE / CHAOS U.K. Making a Killing split

CHAOTIC DISCHORD Their Greatest Fuckin Hits

THE MENTAL AND STUPID HUMANS Pay the Public EPs and Demos 79-80

pre Subhumans

ACTION PACT The Punk Singles Collection

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I.O.D. IN OUR DEFENSE Friday Boys 1997?

I.O.D. (In Our Defense) formed during the heydays of the Pensacola, Florida punk rock scene around the year 1997. This was their only release that I know of. They sold the tape at a local indie record store so I am hoping they won't kill me for posting this. I fucking love it!

I ripped it from the original cassette. Enjoy this hardcore punk gem.

Caveat: there is a brief blank spot in the tape at about the 15 minute mark.

Friday, November 5, 2010


A movie. And although I have quite an open mind when it comes to sex, I just can't seem to cull any understanding of this particular fetish. But to each his own. Just watch.

Guys and Dolls

The Disclosure ProjectFor some people, finding a partner in life can be difficult. For others, it’s almost impossible.

10 years ago, a small factory in California began making an alternative partner. Each is tailored made to suit every taste.

There are now 3,000 real dolls across the world providing some of those with love and companionship that real women cannot…

Each doll costs around 4,000 pounds. Of those able to afford it, the dolls are worth every penny.

Info: Guys and Dolls


See the guy in the pic above? His house is filled with model airplanes hanging from the ceiling. And that, my friendly blog readers, is why he can't get laid.

INQUISITION Revolution, I Think It's Called Inspiration 1996

And Thomas Barnett of Inquisition has a new band, Strike Anywhere, who played at Vinyl in Pensacola last night. Sorry Chris W. for the late post but thanks for letting me upload this.