Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Maximillian Colby was an Emocore band formed in the early 1990s in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Never reaching much popularity outside of Harrisonburg during their lifespan, they established a unique sound melding epic post-rock and punk, recognized years later by bands like City of Caterpillar, A Day in Black and White, Circle Takes the Square and Envy. The band never released a true full length CD or LP, only a few EPs, splits, and compilation features. Unfortunately, Maximillian Colby's time together was cut short with the sudden death of bassist Bob Baynor in 1995. Following this, the three remaining members went on to form Sleepytime Trio, Supine to Sit, Bats and Mice, and Rah Bras. A discography of their sixteen recorded songs can be found on Lovitt Records.


Salmagundi Syncopation said...
